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Circular economy in Wallonia

GreenWin launches Call for Projects #45, deadline June 2025: we await your letters of intent!

Support & counseling

GreenWin is issuing a call for projects to support R&D in green chemistry, sustainable materials, and construction. Applicants are invited to submit their letter of intent by June 2025.


GreenWin, the Walloon Cleantech cluster, announces the launch of its 45th call for projects, with a deadline of June 2025. This call aims to encourage the development of technological and non-technological innovations leading to the commercialisation of new products, processes or services in the following areas:
- Sustainable construction
- Green chemistry
- Environment

Projects submitted must contribute to the creation of jobs and added value in Wallonia. Benefits for participants include
- Obtaining grants to turn their ideas into reality
- Collaboration with competent research partners
- Establishing partnerships with other industrialists in the sector
- Increased visibility
- Support with administrative procedures from a qualified team

The priority themes of GreenWin's 2025-2030 roadmap include :
- Bio-based and/or circular materials (adhesives, insulation, detergents, etc.)
- Climate-resilient urbanisation
- Carbon neutrality
- Industrialisation of construction and building systems
- Water, air and soil management and zero waste objectives

Projects must be collaborative, involving at least two research players (universities, colleges, accredited research centres or public research bodies) and two Walloon companies, including at least one SME. Funding rates vary between 40% and 100%, depending on the type of research and the structure involved, with at least 65% of the budget earmarked for companies.
The submission process comprises the following stages:
- Submission of a letter of intent as soon as possible
- Submission of the preliminary project for review by GreenWin before 26 February 2025
- Submission of the preliminary project to the SPW on 24 March 2025
- Maturity assessment meeting scheduled for the week of 7 April 2025

Final projects must be submitted by the end of June 2025. GreenWin offers guidance throughout the process, including advice, support and partnership facilitation.