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A look back at the 23rd #mforum Digital Wallonia/Proximus. Reconnexion[s]

Published on 5 June 2019


Digital Wallonia and Proximus look forward to seeing you on June 5 at the 23rd edition of #mforum, which will address the theme of reconnection via four key areas that will structure our interactions in tomorrow's digital society.


How much of our daily lives are controlled and directed by digital technology? This question, which has become a recurring one in the news, raises questions for us as users, consumers and citizens about the multiple relationships we have with digital technology.

At a time when the International Telecommunication Union has just reminded us that the growth of cell phones is now outstripping that of the world's population, in the West we can observe a dissonance between the rhetoric of constant innovation promoted by the major digital players and the need for explicability and meaning demanded by the users of these same platforms.

This questioning is reflected in a growing number of social demands calling into question the over-power of major digital platforms. These questions are giving rise to a public distrust of out-of-control entities that are constantly influencing our decisions by taking control of our movements, our consumption patterns and even our political choices.

The paradox of a perception in which the consumer and the citizen have never been so connected, this crisis of confidence invites us to take the time today to truly reconnect, not exclusively with technological systems, but with systems of values. This reconnection could, in particular, reshape the way we conceive, monetize and regulate society's "techceleration".

Far from being a mere philosophical or sociological reflection, this new approach to the digital society is already reshaping the actions of companies in all sectors of the economy.

These are now faced with a desire to regain control by their customers. Control over the security of their personal data thanks to the RGPD, control over the nature of products before the act of purchase with the help of dedicated mobile applications. Control over their environmental footprint with digital solutions that reduce food waste or promote the reconditioning of products to extend their lifespan. Control their travel with MaaS solutions, or control their health.

Once again, the mobile is at the heart of these societal evolutions, and could help redefine the framework of a future digital social contract that is becoming increasingly obvious.

The 2019 M-Forum edition invited us to discover the key players in this inevitable reconnection via four key areas that will structure our interactions in tomorrow's digital society.

Program reminder

Reconnecting consumers with digital platforms


University Professor at Paris-Ouest Nanterre University, specializing in marketing. Director of the Ecole doctorale Economie-Organisations-Société. He is also the author of the book "Plateformes: Sites collaboratifs, marketplaces, réseaux sociaux Comment ils influencent nos choix" published in June 2016 by Editions FYP.

His research helps us to understand the impact of digital platforms on consumers, but also to determine how consumers, by contributing content to sites and platforms, influence other consumers and transform markets and society as a whole.

Par Christophe Benavent, Professeur des universités à l’Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre.

Reconnecting with trust and security in our digital interactions

Director of Security Governance & Investigations at [profiles type="single" slug="proximus" display="link"]Proximus[/profiles]. As Steve Grobman, an expert with security company McAfee, recently said: "Digital technology has transformed just about every aspect of our lives, including the notion of risk and crime, so that criminal activity is more efficient, less risky, more profitable and easier than ever". One in five companies in Belgium has experienced fraud in the past year. Companies lose an average of 150,000 euros when online fraud occurs. Our partner Proximus will be unveiling the key issues in this battle to secure our digital interactions.

Par Fabrice Clément, Director Security Governance & Investigations, Proximus.

Reconnecting digital technology with the ecological transition


Co-founder & CEO of [profiles type="single" slug="back2buzz" display="link"]Back2Buzz[/profiles]. Circular economy, the fight against obsolescence and the explosion in the volume of electronic waste, Back2Buzz has made this its credo by becoming a leading player in the sale of refurbished smartphones. As such, Back2Buzz is a pioneer in reconciling digital transformation and ecological transition. This socially responsible company is also at the heart of innovation in connected objects with its "Paper Watch", as demonstrated again at the latest Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas and at the VivaTech trade show in Paris.

Par Philippe Honhon, Co-founder & CEO, Back2Buzz.

Reconnecting with our biometric identity

Co-founder and CEO of [profiles type="single" slug="piximate" display="link"]Piximate[/profiles]. A major trend in the artificial intelligence revolution, facial and object recognition is now at the heart of the debate, thanks to the scope of its developments. From the selfie that authorizes payment, to people tracking and access control in airports and railway stations, facial recognition has become a must-have. Today, Piximate has positioned itself as a genuine Walloon nugget, with customers as prestigious as they are demanding, including the French Gendarmerie Nationale and leading international retailers.

Par Laure Uytdenhoef, Co-fondatrice et CEO, Piximate.

Reconnecting with intelligent, sustainable mobility


Founder & CEO of [profiles type="single" slug="nextmoov" display="link"]nextmoov[/profiles] and Stoomlink. A long-standing member of the M-Forum community at the launch of NextRide, winner of the federal Smart Mobility Belgium call for projects and a visionary player in sustainable mobility, Thomas Hermine will be coming to decipher for us the challenges of this intelligence at the service of our daily journeys. He will explain why this approach, which is attracting companies from other sectors to create new ecosystems, is now necessarily societal.

Par Thomas Hermine, Founder & CEO, nextmoov et de Stoomlink.