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Circular Wallonia
Circular economy in Wallonia

Hack Belgium, a giant hackathon to tackle societal challenges

Published on 14 March 2018


Digital Wallonia will be a partner of Hack Belgium 2018, which will bring together 1,500 people around 12 major challenges that touch on every facet of society: energy, circular economy, employment, media, finance, education, healthcare, ... Objective: achieve the perfect blend of design, technology and business.

A hackathon is an umbrella term made up of the words hack - representing the idea of manipulating data to get around an existing problem, and marathon - the event spread over three days of intensive work.

Hack Belgium's approach, based on co-design and the collaborative economy, aims to develop "in fine" inspiring projects that bring about both change and business prospects.

[caption id="attachment_260917" align="aligncenter" width="599"] The 12 challenges on the Hack Belgium 2018 program[/caption]

To achieve this, Hack Belgium will be offering no fewer than 140 workshops and coaching sessions with over 200 thematic experts and specialists in design, business creation and technology.

[caption id="attachment_260918" align="aligncenter" width="601"] The 10 technologies that will be available during Hack Belgium 2018[/caption]


Jour 1. Explorer

The first day will be dedicated to "exploring the possible" around the 12 societal challenges and 10 emerging technologies on offer.

  • Methodology: hands-on workshops and networking activities for participants to get to know each other.

  • Expected output: to have formed a team and have an idea for a project.

Day 2. Build

The second day will be devoted to developing the initial idea by imagining its actual implementation.

  • Methodology: guided workshops and individual coaching by experts.

  • Expected output: to have defined the project plan.

Day 3. Take off

The final day sees the launch of the project, with a public presentation and feedback from the experts.

  • Methodology: workshops to prepare the follow-up to the hackathon (Life After Hack Belgium), pitch preparation and public pitch.

  • Expected output: the team becomes the owner of its project. What will they do with it?

Participation of Digital Wallonia

Digital Wallonia will be present over the three days of the hackathon, and will be involved in a variety of ways:

  • Two workshops on 26/4 and 27/4 and a "Life After Hack Belgium" workshop on Saturday 28/4;

  • Setting up a delegation of Walloon public and private partners;

  • A stand in the Experience Zone with various events: 3D chocolate printing with Miam Factory (4/26), digital printing by RElab (4/26 and 4/27), demonstrations and the presence of Géoportail de Wallonie, Osimis (Orthanc/Lify), Drone Valley, Wallonie en Poche and Picarré.

Walloon participants:

  • [profiles type="single" slug="wallonie-en-poche" display="link"]Wallonie en poche[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="service-public-de-wallonie" display="link"]Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="namur" display="link"]Ville de Namur[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="nrb" display="link"]Network Research Belgium (NRB)[/profiles]

  • drone-valley

  • [profiles type="single" slug="la-miam-factory" display="link"]La Miam Factory[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="relab" display="link"]Relab[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="osimis" display="link"]Osimis[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="well" display="link"]Wallonia e-health Living Lab (WeLL)[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="pipole-par-picarre" display="link"]Pipole par Picarré[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="midweeks" display="link"]Midweeks[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="futurocite" display="link"]FuturoCité[/profiles]

  • [profiles type="single" slug="trakk" display="link"]TRAKK[/profiles]

Find out more

Watch the teaser or go to www.hackbelgium.be. 


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