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Textile eco-design guide

Published on 1 January 2022


This guide provides an introduction to several simple technical aspects of eco-design in the textile sector.

The document is a guide to eco-design and labels for textiles, published in 2022. It covers various aspects of textile production and the environmental impact of the different stages in the production process, such as raw material extraction, manufacturing, distribution, use and disposal.

The guide highlights the importance of eco-design in reducing the environmental impact of textile products throughout their life cycle. It explains the concept of eco-design and the different methods used to assess the environmental impact of textile products, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The guide also discusses the role of labels in promoting environmentally-friendly textile products. It explains the different types of labels, such as Type 1 labels, which are based on multiple criteria and indicate environmental preference within a product category, and Type 2 labels, which are self-declared environmental claims.

The guide provides detailed information on the various eco-labels, such as the European Eco-label, the Nordic Eco-label and the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, and the criteria they use to assess the environmental impact of textile products. The EU Ecolabel, for example, aims to reduce the environmental impact of textile products by taking into account factors such as energy consumption, emissions and waste production. The Nordic Ecolabel, meanwhile, emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to environmental impact assessment, taking into account factors such as climate change, biodiversity and human health.

The guide also covers various aspects of textile production that can have an impact on the environment, such as chemical use, water consumption and energy consumption. It provides recommendations for reducing the environmental impact of these aspects, such as using environmentally-friendly chemicals, reducing water consumption and using renewable energy sources.

Overall, this guide is a comprehensive resource for understanding the environmental impact of textile production and the role of eco-design and labels in promoting environmentally-friendly textile products. It provides valuable information for manufacturers, retailers and consumers wishing to promote the production and consumption of sustainable textiles.

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