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Circular economy in Wallonia

Innovation and Collaboration: Interreg Call for Projects

Support & counseling

The Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen project aims to strengthen cross-border cooperation by supporting initiatives in areas such as innovation, the environment, mobility, and social cohesion. It facilitates economic and social development among the involved regions by funding various collaborative projects.


The Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen program promotes cross-border cooperation to address common challenges in border regions. As part of the sixth programming period, the second call for projects has been launched, aiming to support innovative and sustainable initiatives.

This second call for projects encourages local stakeholders to develop projects that support:

The sustainable development and competitiveness of SMEs: Projects should specifically aim to strengthen business growth and create jobs, particularly through productive investments and training programs.
Cross-border cooperation: Initiatives should promote synergies between the regions of France, Wallonia, and Flanders to maximize the impact of the projects.

Open Priorities:
All specific objectives of the program are open, except for priority 5 and specific objective 1.1, which concerns the development and improvement of research and innovation capacities.

Project Duration:
Candidates must ensure that their project complies with duration requirements, considering the deadline for eligible expenses, which is set for March 31, 2029.

For this call, an indicative envelope of 61.7 million euros from the ERDF is available, representing approximately 25% of the remaining resources. It is strongly recommended to clearly define and develop the project idea before applying for co-funding.

Tools and Resources:
A toolbox is accessible on the program's website. It includes practical sheets and presentations from the launch days of the 2021-2027 programming. These resources aim to assist project promoters in designing relevant initiatives that meet the program's criteria.

Project Submission:
All projects must be submitted online via the Jems application. It is essential to follow the instructions provided in the toolbox to ensure a successful submission.

A network of territorial animators is available to assist candidates in their démarches. Do not hesitate to contact them for advice or additional information.

For any questions or information needs, please contact the Joint Secretariat:

Address: Rue de la Terre du Prince, 17, 7000 Mons
Phone: +32-(0)65 22 13 30
Email: info@interreg-fwvl.org

We hope that many cross-border cooperation initiatives will emerge from this new call for projects. Good luck to all candidates!